Virtual Dentistry: How To Streamline Your Practice Around COVID-19

Virtual Dentistry
Virtual Dentistry | Everyone has had to make adjustments during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and dental practices are no exception. Although we do not always think of dental practices as businesses, they most certainly are.
Dental practices have reduced expenses to streamline their operations due to a loss of revenue related to COVID-19. Maximize your time and resources so that you survive and thrive when the pandemic eventually comes to an end.
Virtual dentistry has moved out of the shadows and become a virtual imperative. According to a recent study by DentaVox, almost 80% of patients plan on relying upon it over the next few years. In fact, it could become the new standard of dental care once the pandemic has passed.
What is virtual dentistry?
Virtual dentistry is the remote offering of dental care, initial consultations, aftercare, and telecommunications education. The idea behind it is as old as the telephone itself. But recent innovations in online platforms and video conferencing have made these systems amazingly robust.
The patient is able to take part in a video consultation with their dentist using any device. They will receive a diagnosis and treatment recommendations. If aftercare is needed, they can book next-day appointments.
Virtual Dentistry Advantages
How Virtual Dentistry Works
Normally, a patient is able to schedule a virtual appointment right through your practice’s website by utilizing a simple form in which they provide their name, contact information, and other needed info.
Patients’ virtual appointments are confirmed via email. Also, they receive instructions on how to launch the voice session or video. It’s quite simple.
Designed With Dentists in Mind
If you are strongly considering going with virtual dentistry for your dental practice during the Time of COVID-19, choose a video system designed by dental professionals using a virtual dentistry platform that is completely compliant with ADA requirements.
Learn more with a consultation today. Ash Dental CPA is always up to date with the latest market trends to assure your practice is maximizing in current opportunities. Call (508) 458-6789 or book online. Our firm has over 20 years of experience. We look forward to meeting you.